statistician|statisticians in English


[stat·is·ti·ci·an || ‚stætɪ'stɪʃn]

expert in the field of statistics, one who specializes in the collection and interpretation of numerical data

Use "statistician|statisticians" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "statistician|statisticians" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "statistician|statisticians", or refer to the context using the word "statistician|statisticians" in the English Dictionary.

1. Why are statisticians not measuring these?

2. The statistician diagrammed the statistical results.

3. Statisticians predict a fall in unemployment by 200

4. Meet Sir Cecil Thistlethwaite, the celebrated theological statistician.

5. After completion of one work, workshop statistician shall report to statistician of Yard Department the used man-day and Equipment Account.

6. Individuals vary, but remain constant . So says the statistician.

7. So that's what statisticians would call an assumption of independence.

8. Trevor Sutton, Deputy Australian Statistician, has chaired the Advisory Body.

9. But Mitchell aside, saying he was not a statistician.

10. Borror (1966–2016), American statistician and industrial engineer; Donald J

11. As statistician, I expect variation among students both in correct and incorrect solutions.

12. 1937) 1878 – Agner Krarup Erlang, Danish mathematician, statistician, and engineer (d.

13. Statisticians used this test in 1970 to check the randomness of the draft lottery.

14. The statisticians Averaged out the number of people receiving college degrees in every one thousand persons.

15. One does not have to be a statistician to discount these results.

16. Statistician Herman Hollerith used punch cards to tabulate data from the 1890 U.S. census.

17. Herman Hollerith was a statistician who helped the U.S. Census tabulate data.

18. Sarah used to teach psychology, but now she is a corporate statistician.

19. I am happy to know that the Central Statistical Organisation has set up a National Academy for Statistical Administration (NASA) for human resource development for Indian Statisticians and also for the Statisticians of other developing countries.

20. Sampling techniques were adopted from statisticians working in the fields of biology and botany.

21. “Educating” administrative sources remains one of the most important and difficult tasks of statisticians during the transition period.

22. On close inspection,[] the characteristics of IEM traders would drive a statistician batty .

23. If I am hired as a mathematical statistician at Statistics Canada, where will I work ?

24. • If I am hired as a mathematical statistician at Statistics Canada, where will I work ?

25. Laboratory administration is perfect, the member that set full - time laboratory director, engineering technology, statistician.